Well, this game, in its conception, drew an enormous amount of hype.
Partly because it was being conceptualized and given life by Will Wright, renowned games developer.
Partly because it dealt with one of the most controversial theories in Human History, Evolution.
Partly because it was supposed to be a game that incorporated biological sciences and er... fun.
I was waiting for this game to release. And so did lots of other people for an entire period of two years.
Then, the hype surrounding it gradually faded, cause the game achieved a quasi-gold status even before its launch.
A huge demo with almost three fourths of the game concept was released, to wide ado and appreciation from gaming enthusiasts.
Then the real thing happened. The game hit stores, and i bought it duly.
I was in for a gradual realization, that something was missing from the game. First time I played it, the entire concept was astounding, it made me feel like I was a part of some unique experience.
The game takes the user in stages of evolution. From a cell, to a organism, to a tribe, to a nation, to a civilization and then lets you enter the space age to conquer the entire universe and lets you become god in the end!
Such an amazing concept, but something went seriously lacking in its implementation. The game lacks replayability value, once you finish playing it for one full round, there isn't anything new for you to encounter.
Other than countless redesigns or entire new creations of each stage of your Spore journey. It may be fun for a few people, but for the majority audience , it doesn't hold it quite well.
People tend to get bored of such inane concepts. And very quickly, especially with the wide array of highly sophisticated action games hitting the markets in the recent times. Crysis warhead and Farcy 2 among them.
So due to wrong timing, poor implementation- possibly due to brainstorming conflicts within the developing team- a game that was supposed to be a landmark in gaming history went sour.
Do you, as a valued reader of this blog, have any opinions as to what happened to make Spore turn out the way it did? the praz blog values your opinion, so be our guest and leave a comment stating your thoughts!