Do You Really need a Good Vocabulary?

When it comes to the English Language, there comes the question of one's Vocabulary.

English, being the "lingua Franca" of the world, freely derives upon words from other languages, example , Latin, Greek and so many others, that it has evolved into possessing a massive vocabulary in its present state.
First off, What is Vocabulary?

The Simplest definition for vocabulary is:

Vocabulary is the set of words a person is familiar with, in any language.

Its apparent that a person's extent of vocabulary indicates the level of proficiency a person has with relation to a language.
More the vocabulary, more the person's command of the language.

The Language, we're discussing at the moment, is English.

There are majority of people who use the Internet. English speaking people, Non English Speaking People, People who are proficient in English, and so many other categories.

Now the Interesting point you have to keep in mind when it comes to English Vocabulary is that, a person who has English as his mother tongue, might have lesser vocabulary than a non native speaker of the Language!

That is the beauty of English. Though the Native English speakers have a natural form of accented English, The correct Accents associated with English, it is possible for non native speakers with a better vocabulary to get to know English more than them.

What does it matter, if you have a better vocabulary than others?

You can express yourself in a much, much better way than you ever imagined.

How so?

Languages exist only as a means for people to communicate.

The More words you know of in a language, will help you in expressing how you feel more easily, and more effectively!

For Example, lets consider two persons. They're taking up an examination, which evaluates the person's confidence level. Its for a spokesperson job.

One person has an excellent command over English. He knows a lot of words.

The other person, though he can speak fluent English, has only a limited choice of words, for he isn't that well versed with English.

They're asked to write a single line, describing their confidence level.

The person with a good vocabulary writes:

I'm never the bombastic person, always the suave, slick yet serenely foresighted to formulate the apparition of the best possible outcome of any precarious predicament.

The person with a limited vocabulary writes:

I'm a calm guy, I always take things the way they come, and try to turn them to my side.

Now, who among the two, creates a better Impression?

Obviously its the guy with the better vocabulary.

This does not mean that those who are fluent in English yet endowed with a limited vocabulary are looked down upon. Its just that those with a better vocabulary always fare better.

The primary difference is that there will be a better awareness in the person with a better vocabulary, a quicker response to any situation that arises and needs a quick use of persuasion to be done.

But, there are instances where a person who speaks simple, yet understandable English fares much better than a person with a masterful command over English.

But, if you ever take it to task, to work on your vocabulary, you can at any time Impress anyone, or take hold of a situation that involves verbal persuasion, and can turn it to your advantage, with a better choice of words right?

Think :)

Have an opinion concerning the above Discussion? Feel free to drop a comment below, Your opinion is valued very much!

How to present answers

Having discussed about bettering your grades obtained in the previous posts, its time we looked upon a very important step in the process of any examination : Presenting your answers.

No matter how impressive your answers are, believe me, you'll never get the grades you deserve if your presentation is shabby.

For, the Examiner is also a person, he should also be able to read your answers quickly yet he should also be impressed by the presentation you have provided to the answers.
A Good Presentation makes a good first Impression for the Examiner to provide you with more grades.
The First Answer

A lot of attention should be directed by you towards providing the best possible presentation for the very first answer in the evaluation sheet.
It Should be Neat, without any overwriting, legible, to the point, and should be written with a language that's simple yet classy.

You should also be careful in Choosing which question you're attempting to answer first.

It is not possible to provide an excellent answer to a question you barely know the answer to, is it?

So make sure the question you pick is one that you have read thoroughly about.

Proceed to answer the question, make sure its presented in a tidy manner and that the important points are underlined. Its okay if you spend five minutes or a little more towards answering the first question, to maximize the impression it creates, then you can proceed answering the other questions.

By presenting the first question's answer neatly, you subconsciously instill some confidence within yourself to answer the subsequent questions more effectively. You also impress the Examiner a bit, coax him into thinking that the paper he's evaluating has a lot of effort put into it.

Page Margins.

The Answer sheet you are working on usually comes with the default margins, on the top and left corners.
It serves a good purpose if you take some effort in drawing an additional margin to the right and the bottom of the page.
This additional margin you draw adds some more succinctness to your paper, gives it an impression that it contains some information that is worth looking into.
It all comes down to the 'Placebo' effect, a way of coaxing the Examiner into thinking that the paper is that of an exemplary student.

Avoid Overwriting.

An oft committed mistake, this greatly reduces the value of your answers. An overwritten answer gives the impression of Insufficient preparation, Unsure-about-the-answers attitude, an overall detrimental effect on the Examiner to award more grades.
So, its vital that the answers provided are written in a continuous flow with as little overwriting to them as possible.

Underline the Keywords.

After having written the answers, quickly glance through them and underline the keywords and phrases you deem important with relevance to the answer.

Segregate Different Answers

Make sure you don't club all the answers together, leave a substantial amount of space between each and every other answer. Draw a simple line below each answer, to differentiate one answer from the other.

Underline the Headings

The Headings of each paragraph can do with a bit of underlining to them. It serves to accentuate the content of the following paragraph.

Remember, the answers do count a bit, but the impression you cast upon the examiner is also a vital part towards improving the grades obtained.

For, unless you cast the fishing pole into the water, you can't catch the fish right?

Without any effort, there cannot be an outcome.

Without a smart effort, there cannot be an appeasing outcome.

How to plan ahead

Each and every one of us would have invariably been caught in a precarious predicament at one point in our lives. And therein, we ask ourselves a very difficult question.

What lies ahead?

Life is replete with surprises. Surprises are exciting. In two ways : Good and Bad.
The Good way a surprise excites someone is when it turns out to be a pleasant one. Something that heralds better oppurtunity, better financial security, or even something that grants one a passionate love life.

The Bad way a surprise hits on someone is when they're faced with a daunting problem, a major financial crisis, joblessness, emotional turmoil, coping with stress, relationship issues, and various other crises that gloom normal, happy life.

Did you notice one thing?

The list of things that are "counted" as bad are endless. They keep stretching, and they're intertwined. They form a vicious circle.

On the other hand, the list of things that count as "good" are few. Why, pray? Cause Good things are generally never realized that they harbor goodness with them.

You, being the self analyzing, confident, intelligent person that you are, sometimes fail to realize the real crux of the situation that you're in.

Say, lets ponder on a small story below.

Two men are rowing kayaks. The river suddenly turns turbulent. One says to the other, "Hey man, the river seems to be in a bad mood, make sure you maintain your balance on the kayak!"

The other person, a -things-the-way-they-come person, retorts, "Why don't you shush and concentrate on the rowing?"

What happened?

The river was headed into a waterfall. The person who sensed it and prepared himself for the oncoming descent, managed to have a safe fall through the waterfall and down to the calmer water below.

The other person, who failed to realize the impending catastrophe, was swept along with the river in full force and crashed headlong into a rock precipice, hurting himself.

What does this tell us?

To plan ahead, to always keep an eye open for what might traverse us in our lives. No matter how secure/ insecure we feel about it.

How to plan ahead?

The primary step in planning ahead, is to set yourself a target.

Without a target, how can someone accomplish anything?

It's like a car on a friction less road. It keeps traveling, forever. Hypothetically proven.

Set a Goal.

Set yourself an objective. A Goal, a target, something you might feel like working towards to.

Let it be realistic, but by keeping it realistic, you need not restrict the limits to which you set yourself to.

The Goal should be something you will have to put in a lot of work to do it, it should be more or less a challenge.
Remember, if Edison hadn't taken it as a challenge to keep experimenting with the filament for a thousand times, we would never have seen the electric bulb in action!


Classify your everyday activites into two types. Useful/ Useless.

Useful activities should be those that help you move one step closer to your goal. Useless activities are those that do not relate in any way to your goal, but they might be a casual activity in your daily life. It might be important, but that doesn't matter.
Just fill in the list according to the usefulness of the activity you indulge in.

The importance of this step is to self analyze yourself and to inform You of what you're really upto in each passing day of your life.

Be Confident.

The single most important foundation to achieving whatever your objective is to be sure of yourself that you're capable of doing whatever you set yourself to. This article might help you allay any fears you may have about your potential.

Don't waste the Present.

Remember, the past is finished. It's over, done, that's it. The future is uncertain. Its only the present that you hold in your hands. No matter what befell you in the past, if you make use of your current time usefully, the future will be good right?

Planning Ahead

Take up the list you made containing the activities you indulge in daily. Look at those that pertain towards the completion of your goal. Draw a mental picture of what you have to do in order to further your objective. Think. Think what you'll do to improve upon what you were already doing. Think of the pitfalls you might encounter, but also think how you will equip yourself to face them and succeed.

If at any point, you feel that something might not turn out favourably, convince yourself that it will, indeed turn out for the overall improvement of your current predicament, and whatever turmoil that heralds only serves as experience, a powerful tool with which you can bravely face the future!

Remember, it's not the bad things that pull us down, it's us thinking that things will end up bad that pull us down!

Please feel free to drop a comment on whether you liked the article, or if you have any similar experiences or suggestions. I'll be very glad to read it, Drop a comment below!

How to lose fear of failure

One of the basic reasons people don't attemp new things is because they're afraid. Afraid of its outcome. This may be taken as an indicator that they're having foresight, but that might not be the true case.

They're just letting an imaginary fear take over their thoughts and prevent them from actually doing something.

They end up as lambs to the slaughter, like countless other humans who spend all their lives doing what everyone else does, nothing different, and die a unnoticed death, unremembered and uncared for, an unknown entity that walked the Earth.

Compare this with "successful" and "famous" persons, and you instantly realize what they had and what got them to where they are.

It's entirely psychological

Where does this fear have it roots?

From the person's past experiences. 

Why does this fear arise?

This fear arises because you strive subconsciously for a good outcome, and you also have suffered an experience which was unsatisfactory in your past, while attempting a new challenge.

How to overcome this fear?

Approach things with an open mind. Don't let any misconceptions drag you down.

Think of it, how will you fail, if you don't even attempt to actually DO something?

There were two athletes. It was the olympics. They were discussing their tactics, and their target for the ongoing competition.

Both weren't well known athletes, they hadn't set records earlier, but they were considered promising and capable.

One said to the another, "Hey, I'm aiming to set a new world record today."
The other mocked him. "How will you? You haven't even come close to doing that anytime in your history. Stop thinking like a frog in the well. Be like me, I'll just cross the minimum mark for qualifying."

The competition got over. You might have guessed what would've happened.
The person aiming for setting a new record, though he came close to it, WON the competition, atleast. He set a new benchmark for him, for his sporting career, one that he could work upon.

The other person, the one who just wanted to qualify, was unable to attain the minimum requirements to qualify itself. Why? Because he set himself an abysmal objective.

The successful person on the other hand, though having set a far flung objective, atleast managed in coming close to it.

What does this tell us?

Set Your Goals to the maximum limit possible.

You might have come across the expression, "Aim for the skies!"

The true meaning of this expression is that, if one aims for the skies, one might atleast move satisfactorily on the ground.

What would happen, if you aim for the stars?

Simple. You'll be soaring in the skies!

So, think expansively, aim high. Remember, there are no limits, the limits are only meant to be broken!

How to get better Grades - Part Two

Dissatisfied with those C's and D's you see each time whenever your papers get to you after evaluation?

Think you're worth much more, say, a B or even an A grade?

The previously written article on this subject was on improving your grades, focusing on the A and B graders. This article, is totally for those who aren't in the top tier yet.

There are a few basic reasons which lead to unsatisfactory grades (say C and D grades)

What are they?

Preparing at the last moment.

Not doing the necessary follow-up work for the subject.

Lack of interest towards the subject.

Poor understanding of the concepts.

Inability to properly present the answers.

Now any one of the above factors could be contributing to poor grades.
On first sight, they present themselves as casual, not-so-serious factors. In substance though, they are merely different manifestations of procrastination.
You need to realize what your primary objective is.
What should you do to attain that objective?

You're getting grades. You aren't satisfied with them.

Now this in itself is an indicator that there's a small part of you which feels the urge to put in more effort and achieve better results. Let's set about transforming that small, teeny urge and turn it into a huge, burning desire.
If you have been thinking all along that "intelligence" is a factor that contributes towards better grades, you're totally mistaken.

What is a grade? Its merely a reflection of your performance in an evaluation of a subject by a teacher.

The teacher evaluates a paper, finds what the paper contains with respect to the questions asked, and according to the answers, awards grades. If the answers are outstanding, the student gets an A. If they're to the point, but still lacking the final touch, that's a B. If they're okay, and agreeable, its a C. Mediocre and those below it, go with D's E's and with the penultimate F leading to the glorious "U".

Sounds like a musical note? In a way, yeah.

The primary thing you're going to do, in order to improve upon your grades, is to start preparing in advance. "In advance" means, you're going to begin preparing when there's atleast a full month before the evaluation of your papers.

You needn't put in ungodly hours into it. Just half hour a day. Open the book, or access the reference materials, and simply read the topics at hand. You needn't begin memorizing them. See what's in those materials, try to correlate them with the information you listened to during those classes, and relate them. Tell yourself that, "This concept is actually the process behind this."

For example, if the topic at hand is Nuclear physics, tell yourself that, "This concept is Nuclear physics, it actually deals with the various physical attributes of the nucleus of atoms."
Get what I'm hitting at?
You're making mental reminders to yourself, so that, at the time of the evaluation, you actually know what you're writing upon.

Then begin reading the subject. Remember, just casually read it. Approach the subject with a clear, unadulterated mind. Don't have any psychological blocks like "It's difficult" or, "I won't understand it"
Just simply read. Keep reading. Discuss it with your roommate or a friend. The discussion need not be one which is entirely for discussing the subject. You can try to include a few lines, ask a few questions during a casual talk with your friend about what he thinks of the concept of the forthcoming examination. He might be on the same boat as you are, so you both might end up discussing what you know (or the lack thereof!) and might even begin a joint venture to understand the subject at hand.
I imply again, you needn't put in hard work. What you're doing here is smart work.

By gradually building upon understanding the concepts and the subject from the grassroots level, step by step, day by day, over four weeks, you ultimately accumulate enough information about the subject, that at the time of the evaluation, you fare a better performance than what you'd do by preparing only on the previous night.

When the results come, you'll be surprised, for you'll see your C's and D's transformed into a B.
The important thing at this point is, don't be satisfied with what you get!

Strive for more

Once you attain and accomplish an objective, don't sit still. Set a higher target and find about ways achieving it! A,B graders should aim higher, and what lies ahead? A+! The final step in academic exellence. How do you improve upon an above average grade, and achieve even better results? The answer lies here.

Please feel free to drop a comment on whether you liked the article, or if you have any similar experiences or suggestions. I'll be very glad to read it, Drop a comment below!

How to avoid the Writer's Block

With the Blog Explosion giving Writing a whole new dimension and surge of life, people all over the world have begun giving life and shape to their ideas via their writing. Except that they now call it Blogging. But the process behind it is just the same. You Type out your views, you attach links to it, you draw upon reference sources, you add tags then you publish it. It is similar to writing, right?

Some have it easy. They have a continuos flow, their articles are short, simple and sweet. Some on the other hand take ages to type out their thoughts, then work on it meticulously to make it look better.
Whereas some, even though they are overflowing with ideas, find it difficult to begin.
This is called The Writer's Block.

Is it good to have a Writer's Block?

Absolutely. It implies that your intuitions are working correctly, that you are conscious of what you're going to write. Its a self imposed quality test. It means that you attach a certain self respect to yourself and your opinions which are going to be read by diverse people all over the world.
This is an indicator of whatever you're going to write is going to be really, really good.

How to get around it?

Two people were climbing a hill. One was a withered, Old man. The other man was in his early twenties.
The young man, who was athletically built, asked the old man, "Hey, How are you going to climb this hill? It's too long a distance to cover for an old man like you!"
The old man replied with a benign smile,"I'll meet you at the other side of the Hill."
The young man scowled at the Elder and proceeded to begin climbing the hill.

The old man started climbing the hill step by step. He didn't let the fact that the hill was a steep one to daunt him. He just proceeded step by single step. Each step was small, and so the old man gradually made progress.
That night, the old man saw the Young man stooped under a rock. The young man whined,"I'm turning off, it's impossible to ascend and descend this hill. Its too long!"
The young man returned home, failing in his task.

The Elder on the other hand, stuck to facing the Hill as one rocky step after the next one, and though it took him quite a bit of time, eventually got to the other side of the hill.

So, how can you write an entire article on a topic, then continue writing articles on topic upon topics, if you let the beginning lines of your initial article make you think so much?

The First Tip is to just write whatever comes to your mind, no matter how simple or unimpressive it is. Huge downpours are made up  of countless raindrops which are so minuscle. Its only the small trivial things that add up to become great momentous achievements.

During the course of writing down whatever that strikes you, You will tend to hit upon the very concept you were searching for earlier. Incidents from your very own life will come up in your memory, and you will automatically find a way to apply those experiences to lucidly express the contents of your article with them.

Whenever you begin composing an article on any topic, there are three Very important things you should do:
2.More Research 

3.And Research again.
You need to keep gathering data, garner reports, access videos of the topic if there are any, read previous articles on the subject, understand what it really is at its core, what you're dealing with, how it can be related to everyday life, where you can draw examples from. The bottomline is :
Its imperative that you have a clear-cut understanding of the topic you are going to write on.

Once you have an in-depth understanding of the topic at hand, Opinions will freely originate from you. They will surprise yourself to such an extent that you'll wonder,"My god, am I the one who's coming up with all of this?"

Yes. You have it in yourself to become an impeccable writer. Anyone can become an expert on any subject, become a best selling author, an impressive writer.
The basic criteria which lead to these achievements is the complete understanding of what their objective is.
Writing an article isn't about writing lines upon lines of text that simply imply no real meaning. The opinions that are provided should be universally applicable. Everyone should be able to benefit from those opinions. The opinions, thoughts and ideas expressed should be time-less in their substance. They should have the potential to be applied at any point in time in a person's life.

Stop Doubting your ability!

The single most important thing that causes a severe Writer's block is : Fear of failure.
People tend to unnecessarily begin thinking that they're not cut to the job. 
That's a gross misconception! It's just a manifestation of Fear of failure.
Now why does this fear arise? Because there isn't enough Confidence. Why isn't there enough Confidence? Because the necessary tasks for the job haven't been done.

What are the necessary tasks that are to be done before writing?

A fresh, open, free thinking mind. Being creative helps a lot. There shouldn't be any other things clogging at you behind your mind, telling you you have this to do, that do to. You should be focused upon what you're doing : You're in the process of writing a good article!
While writing it, you shouldn't write it to please the readers, write it to please yourself.
Yes, self satisfaction brings out the best out of anyone. For, who is a better analyst , who knows more about you, than you yourself?

Sometimes some writers do bizarre things before beginning to write. Some go on a spiritual trip. Some begin voracious reading. Some get drunk beyond their senses. Some go on a soul searching trip. Some actually do what they're going to write.
There are different ways to open up all those ebbing thoughts inside your mind. The first step is to have a clarity of thought. Focus on what is to be done, and just do it. Don't let thoughts about your work's outcome clog your brain.
How could have Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel for so many years, if he had let the Pope's snide remarks on his work affect him while he was working single handedly in solitude?
Michelangelo had self belief. He believed in himself. He believed he could pull it off, and he pulled it off amazingly.
That's what you need to have, to write without any obstructions in your flow of thought. You need to have self belief, belief in your ability to deliver as a writer, belief in your ability to captivate the attention of writers.

Stop thinking how the end result would appear like. Errors are permissible during the initial draft. What's important is that you are letting the ideas flow. You can always review the draft and perfect it. Its better reviewing what you have written, instead of contemplating on what to write isn't it?

Remember, writing anything is an art. Even writing a blog post. If you do it just for the sake of writing a meaningless array of words, you can, but how can you achieve any sort of satisfaction from it, if you yourself know that it is not written for its real worth?

Get into what you're writing about!

Another important thing to do, is to actually place yourself in the thick of things about which you're writing. You need to strike the chord of relevance between everyday events and the contents of the article. How will this help the normal person? How can a student benefit from this? You need to think empathetically.
Place yourself in the shoes of the readers themselves.
Once you become a neutral reader of what you've written, then the ways to improvise, the weak points, the points that have to be given more importance, ideas that have been left in the dark, and ideas on what follow up articles you have to write will automatically present themselves to you. It's just, by simply thinking that it's difficult to begin writing, you've placed all your ideas in a steel vault. It's upto you, and it IS you, who is going to unlock that treasure trove, and let it flood the minds of the readers. 

Set aside self doubt, sow the seeds of self belief in your heart, and research extensively on the topic you're going to write on. You'll be amazed at the results!

If you have, at any point, suffered from Writer's block, or if you have any different approaches to combat writer's block, then you're Very welcome to share it in the comments below! Or if you liked the article, or if you had a difference of opinion on the article's contents, you have every right to state it in the comments below!

How to get better Grades

Throughout your lives, you would have, at one point, asked yourself this question. You might have thought of this question when you were getting mediocre grades, or when you were getting above average grades. 
This post will cover a few of the areas that might help you maximize your scoring potential and to get better grades.

First of all, whatever grades that you have obtained, consider it as a benchmark. You need to set a goal for yourself. The goal being : Bettering your previous grades. How do you set about achieving it? 
I'd like to quote a saying here :
"You have to run faster Just to stay in the same place."
Now, I can hear a lot of groans coming up cause I said that. Don't let the fact that you need to put in more effort bring you down. It's just that, there are so many others co-existing along with you in your class, your neighborhood and the entire world. The world keeps changing every single second. Population increases, methods of earning money increases, way of living changes second by second. 
Being a part of an ever chaning environment, how will you fare if you remain the same person you always were?
I'm not telling that you should work upon your personality and change it. Each one has an unique personality. Every personality is equally special, intriguing and liked upon. But, what counts is, how you apply your thoughts to suitably chameleonize yourself to blend with the changing trends and make your personality stand out.

You can ask me,"Ha, how does one's personality, character, social well being reflect upon one's grades?"

Believe me or not, it's true. Its often extremely trivial things that produce changes of mammoth magnitude. Little did scientists predict that the splitting of an atom- a particle that is unobservable unless you have an electron microscope- could cause such mass destruction. Small things, when left unnoticed, will spiral into bigger things that can produce massive detrimentive effects.

The first step you should do in order to achieve better grades, is to Analyze yourself.
You do know that you're capable of much more, You know that you can do better, and your teachers and professors know that too. So, what really is stopping you from achieveing what you really deserve? 
The primary thing that prevents most people from realizing their true potential is Procrastrination.
By postponing things, concepts to be memorzied, understood, you're just imposing more workoad on yourself. And at the final moment, when the time of submission of your answer sheet comes, the workload becomes huge, and you tend to lose out on the finer points, thereby costing you some grades.

The difference between an A+ grade and an A grade is not tiny. Its enormous. Do you know that?

Why is there so much difference? Its because, getting an A means that you have memorized the concepts thoroughly well, you are capable of reproducing them Verbatim, also, you have written them in a coherent manner appeasing the Examiner.
Wheres, an A+ implies that, you, not only having memorized,
 having done the assignments perfectly, having given impressive seminars, have also gone one step further. 
You have found a way to apply the concept In your life, that is, you have realized in what way the subject at hand is going to aid you or any other human in the real world.
Concepts on paper might seem totally out of context when we try to relate them to our daily lives. So why are they included in the syllabus?

Education is a compilation of Humanity's work over the ages, and its provided to contemporary Humans in order that they can get a better insight into how the world around them really works, right down to the grassroots.

This is what ultimately all those grades, those GPA's, those marks, all boil down to. Not mindless mugging up of mundane concepts. Its an evaluation of how much You, as an individual, has benefited from it.

In the beginning of this article, I talked about running faster in the same place to retain your current standing.

So, If you want to achieve a higher objective, you should think about this too:
"If you want to go somewhere else, you have to run atleast twice as fast as that!"

Self analyze yourself. Think. Think where you are going wrong. Look at people who are obtaining better results. Ask them, discuss with them. Mulling over spilt milk never serves a purpose, but learning how Not to spill the milk again serves one!

Having talked about those who get an A grade and an A+ grade, its easy to assume that there is no redemption for those who are scoring lower grades. Definitely not. Do you know how many people out there are underachievers throughout their lives because they failed to stop and realize what their mistakes were, and kept on mulling over the mistakes they committed? 

If you're getting low grades, its just an indicator that, either you haven't had a good understanding of the subject, or, you have other distractions that keep you from giving in the necessary hours to achieve the result.

Maybe you've always had an aversion to the subject. You don't like it in some cases. In some cases, you might deem the subject as "being unworthy to waste time and effort upon."
In that case, if that subject doesn't really matter in your academic performance, feel free to forget it!
But if, that subject also counts towards the end aggregate, then there's no alternative other than to master it.
You need to find a way to turn your dislike into your like so you would ultimately stand to gain from something you hate so vehemently!
Approach the concepts with a clear mind. Allay all your doubts and set aside any psychological blocks you might have that prevent you from learning the subject.

If you're having any difficulties understanding a particular concept, feel free to ask your peers or the professors/teachers for guidance. They're always ready to help!
Its just you who have to take the impetus to actually study.
Remember, the choice is upto you. You can either choose to work harder, put in more hours, and achieve the result you so desire.

Do you also know that, once you achieve your aim, you will automatically find a better, more satisfying one?

Its true!

In the next article, I will provide more hindsight for the B ,C and D graders to improve their grades, and I'll show the magic tricks that will get them an A+!

Please feel free to drop a comment on whether you liked the article, or if you have any similar experiences or suggestions. I'll be very glad to read it!
Remember, sharing is caring ;)

How to Cheat the Invigilator - An In Depth Real time Guide.

You're seated in the exam hall. The exam has begun. Time ticks on.
You, the intelligent person that you are, unfortunately forgot to read the topic of today's exam earlier. You are definitely not in any position to even attempt to answer the questions, for realization dawns on you that its entirely Greek and Latin to even make a guess at.

What should you do now? 

You have to pass the exam. No other way. If you flunk it, you WILL have to revisit that nightmare once again in the not so distant future, for this exam counts towards you gr

There's only one viable option for you.

And what is that?

I'll get around to it. In time.
Now, look around the exam hall. You see other people. Few are engrossed in writing answers. Few are rackling their brains for the answers, head in their hands. Few others are staring at the ceiling. A few are dozing off, resignedly accepting their failure in the exam.

But you don't fit in here do you? No. 

You see your friend just ahead of you. He's studied well for today's exam. He, apparently is doing a good job at writing furiously, obviously giving you the impression that he will get an A grade.

Eureka! Edison's lamp alights inside your brain, You have found a path, a light at the end of the tunnel, to escape out of the darkness you are presently in.
Yes, you are going to solicit the help of your friend, DURING the examination to get some answers out of him some way or the other and get around to eventually obtain a decent score in the exam, thereby leaving no trace of it behind in your academic career.

In all this euphoria about you having found out a recourse, there's one huge obstacle. Its Enormous. Every bit enormous as all of the letters in the word Encyclopaedia.
He is the Examination Invigilator. The one obstacle standing between you and revelation, Mmk, that is, passing the exam.

You have to find a way to circumvent this surreptious individual, in order that you, Undetectedly stealthy sneaky Cat that you are, are going to obtain answers from your friend.

How do you set about garnering answers from your friend?

Here's how I would do it.

This is part one of how you cheat the Invigilator

Wait for the moment the Invigilator lets his guard down a bit. He turns, bored, and looks at the blank board in the classroom. He's faced away from you.
Instantly, you hiss, HISS, at your friend. 
Startled, your friend, broken from his furious writing, turns back at you.  

Important Tip! :Make sure that you have one eye upon the invigilator at this crucial moment, for they have a unique knack of identifying normally unscrupulous Hisses and promptly catch the wrongdoers red handedly.

You signal the question for which you are seeking the answer, and you, using your left hand, signal the question. 

Step one done.

This being done, now the Invigilator returns back to his usual routine. He starts scanning the faces of the people in the hall, and tries to make eye contact. As much he tries to make this act look subtle, believe me, there's every bit of malicious intent in those eyes.
He's marking his prey.
Its of utmost importance that you keep your head firmly rooted in the pages of your answer booklet and even though you aren't writing anything, atleast give an Impression that you are TRYING to do SOMETHING.
Being lazy in the exam hall is a sure give away of your precarious position to your adversary, the Invigilator.

Your friend, in this time, is aware that you are in need of dire Intellectual assistance. He turns the pages of his answer booklet, and being seated just a few feet before you, you can see him resting his hands on the page which contains the answers you're looking for.

Now begins the period where you wait.

Have you seen the cheetah that waits for four or even eight hours in broad, roasting daylight in the african wilderness to spot out its prey?
That's who you're going to transform into, so you can get the answers you so direly seek.

Divide your visual and perceptive senses into two parts. Set one on getting the answer Just at the right moment your friend lifts the sheets and shows it to you. Set the other part of your senses on the invigilator himself. Start thinking empathetically when it comes to cheating him.

Right when the invigilator turns his head so that his line of sight doesn't include you, your friend, being the correct timer he is, lifts up the sheet and displays the answer.

This moment has a lot of factors in play. You have three objectives. You need to KNOW what the answers are, you need to jot it down real fast, in span of five seconds, and you need to arouse Zero suspicion in the Invigilator's eyes.
For, getting caught means severe penalties, penalties that far outweigh even the worst possible outcomes that you are trying to avert.

Here's what you do.
Scan the sheet. Look For formulae. Look  for diagrams, and parts in those diagrams. Look for paragraph headings. Do not, I repeat, do not attempt to copy the answer of your friend word by agonizing word, its simply not feasible. You'll end up getting caught , or you'll end up wasting both you and your friend's invaluable time.
Remember, you need to do this, all in the extremely short span when the Invigilator lets down his guard.

Another very important factor is deciding the question that you're going to seek assistance for. The question should be one that has the least amount of descriptive answering required, for, the lengthier the answer is, the harder it is for you to reciprocate on your answer booklet.

So, Make your decision aptly, and keep the factors I outlined in mind, and lets hope it serves us for a better outcome!

Also, I have a long list of different ways to Cheat the Invigilator, and more updates on this context coming soon! Bookmark this page, or subscribe to the RSS feed, so you don't miss it!

If you have any memorable experiences in this context, or would like to share them, You're Most welcome.
Feel free to leave those thoughts, experiences, or opinions as a comment below, I'm sure everyone will love reading it!

The Best Thing to do before an Exam is...

There are two different possibilites.

  • The subject of tomorrow's examination is one of your favourites.
  • You are ..ahem... kinda aversed to the subject. 
Since its one of your favourites, you really like spending a lot of time with the concerned subject naturally. You tend to retain information for a longer period after studying the subject's concepts.
Naturally, You also tend to score progressively good in the subject's exams. You adore the teacher, you'll feel piqued if by any chance you are forced to skip one of that subject's classes.

So, even if by any unforeseen chance you haven't prepared for that exam aforehand, even before the day of the exam, the chances are that if you launch into a full fledged preparatory effort, you'll fare well.

If you like the subject in question, then allay any fears you have and start reading.
Remember, Time lost is never gained.


Its always been a hard nut for you to crack. You're a proclaimed adversary of the subject at hand.
You hate the teacher, the books, you hate that subject with such maddening rage that the very sound of it makes you curse all the bad things .. or Hey, even everything in the world. 
So, What would you do, if you have an exam of such a subject tomorrow, and haven't prepared a bit?

The natural recourse would be to sit with the book in your hand and wade through the pages all the while praying to Mighty Exam God Almighty that tomorrow's question paper is the easiest one ever in examination history.

There is, however, an extremely viable option too. Simple. Forget it. Yes, don't put in any effort. Scared of a huge Zed ee arr Oh ? Nah, don't be. Its just, you have more important things at hand instead of wasting time on something you never ever wanted to spend time on in the first place.

Having considered both the alternatives, what's the bottom line?

It all boils down to your attitude towards the subject of the exam.
I might even venture to say that, the determination to score good or simply get on with the exam.
The choice you make determines the outcome.
If you want to feel good about tomorrow, then spend today fruitfully.
You might have different choices, ideas or strategies on how tackle a predicament as seen about in this post. Feel free to share it with us in the comments below!

Blog Reviews - For Free!

I'm doing in depth Blog reviews of your blog, replete with all the details right down to the last sidebar you've customized in your blog's theme.
There will be an in depth analysis which will clearly point out what your blog has that sets it apart from others and what is needed to make it a much better blog.
I'll include a screenshot of your blog and a link to it. 

Your blog might only be lacking a few minor details before it could transform into an enormously successful site. From my past experience, its natural tendency to overlook few slight discrepancies in the form of Improper formatting, misused ad-space, Improper placing of widgets and ads. My blog review will cover all of these and will also come up with new innovations for improving site traffic, and in the end, more personal satisfaction for you.

If you wish to get your blog reviewed for free, its simple, just drop me a comment below.
Sometimes, my review might get your blog the break it has always deserved.

Exam Blues!

Its that time of the year when all those flippant youngsters begin to have a slow gloom spread on their faces. 

Yes, Its Exam time folks!

All those accumulated lessons, miles and miles of formulae, Countless drawings with specifications surpassing those of Picasso's daunt the normally jubilant teen.

What should they do to get through this greasy patch of time in the year?
  •  Prepare early, regularly.

THE most viable option but hey, SCRAP IT!

  • Burn the midnight oil.

  Pardon me for using a vintage phrase but this is the most logical reprieve for any teen in such a predicament.

  • Forget about the scores (GULP!)

Now this option is a most intriguing one. It takes a massive amount of courage to muster and actually take this choice. This serves anyone well for the period the exams are happening, but drop a bigger nuclear bomb when the results are announced.

Which category do You Fall into? [:D]

Mankind's obliteration of the last vestiges of Racism

With the election of Barack Husein Obama to the office of the President of the United States of America, a collective melting pot of humanity has voiced, though subliminally, Racism's end.
As evidenced sporadically in the mass media now, Racism has been reduced to a joke, literally. Its only a subject where humorists try to squeeze whatever they can out of it.
Skin colour, a thing which decided the fate of millions of humans even a half century ago, has finally been accepted by the masses as nothing but a mere veneer for yet another human soul to traverse the corridors of life.
Well, if theres a rule, or theres a rule thats in its formative stages, in this case The End of Racism, there are always exceptions.
And these exceptions readily apparate(Harry Potter lingo!) themselves in the guise of the wars waged in a few third world countries and Terrorism. Delving into these subjects will consume the winter season in all its entirety for myself.
All said, there can be no denying that Brown, Black, Yellow or White, a human is gauged only by his actions and societal standing a la occupation, education, financial status, and not by his melanin content.

The Perks and Hazards that come with Biking

As a proud owner of a mid segment racing bike, I deem myself to be worthy of babbling upon the concept of "racing" and "driving like crazy" in Indian roads. Oh the irony of it.
Cutting across traffic is like, hitting full throttle in burnout takedown and not getting wasted for Twenty minutes straight. Keyword : Awesome.
The looks on the faces of fellow drivers when they realize you're another nut case lunatic asylum breaker risking your life on the road for nothing but cheap speed thrills is simply priceless.
Hearing the swear words when you just manage to avert a mishap, a possibly dangerous accident that might result in fatalities serves to provide the lunatic rider with a few laughs.
Laughs that can be cherished, with Friends but not with the fraternal side.

Do you happen to have any such unique moments during your bike rides? Please feel free to share it with us in the comments, for such experiences shouldn't remain a secret!

Being pensive on social networking sites.

DISCLAIMER : Article might be written in times of undue boredom, might cause extreme distortion in the cortexial areas of the human brain due to its underlying complex yet extremely simple innuendos wrapped in conceptively deceiving simple English.
Wall of Text OKAY.

The title sums it up, pretty much. 
The fad associated with the Internet social networking originated around four years ago, yeah you guessed it correct, with the launching of Google's infamously popular AND extremely innocuous piece of shit social networking site, Orkut.
In these sites, the general layout was like this.
A guy creates an account. He has a multitude of criteria to fill in his details, ranging from sombre professional details, to educational qualifications and right down to morose stupid data like how his mother looked when he was a toddler and how much she resembles a blown up potato these days.

Trivialities aside, the user gets to have an avatar of his own, a personalized book, Scrapbook in orkut jargon, where others get to post their views, thoughts, million dollar opinions, greetings, or what the hell they even get to flirt with each other.
Stories of Orkut romances even culminating into marriages aren't rather unpopular, they're considered a part and parcel of web 2.0's online valentine movement.
Orkut related stress is also an important factor I should be delberating upon.  People, especially those with the lower IQ endowed to them, tend to take it to task that the number of profile visits they receive ad nauseum really matter a lot. Also their "sexiness" and "coolness".

Apart from this there are also Fanlists, Yes people, ordinary people get to have a fanbase of their very own in these sites!
There are also a lot of factors to be looked into, since this discussion here from my point of view is taking a turn towards the rather pointless direction.

Are these sites really useful?
Maybe. But by no means they can be claimed as an essential part of the life of any devout internet citizen. 
There's the ol' faithful e-mail, the ever clinkin' Instant messenger. Its just, that these social networking sites are a mix of Forum boards, Instant messengers, chat programs, and email features which make them a totally endearing and alluring frolicking environment for denizens of the net.

My five cents done.

Spore : What went wrong.

Well, this game, in its conception, drew an enormous amount of hype.
Partly because it was being conceptualized and given life by Will Wright, renowned games developer.
Partly because it dealt with one of the most controversial theories in Human History, Evolution.
Partly because it was supposed to be a game that incorporated biological sciences and er... fun.

I was waiting for this game to release. And so did lots of other people for an entire period of two years.
Then, the hype surrounding it gradually faded, cause the game achieved a quasi-gold status even before its launch.
A huge demo with almost three fourths of the game concept was released, to wide ado and appreciation from gaming enthusiasts.
Then the real thing happened. The game hit stores, and i bought it duly. 
I was in for a gradual realization, that something was missing from the game. First time I played it, the entire concept was astounding, it made me feel like I was a part of some unique experience.
The game takes the user in stages of evolution. From a cell, to a organism, to a tribe, to a nation, to a civilization and then lets you enter the space age to conquer the entire universe and lets you become god in the end!
Such an amazing concept, but something went seriously lacking in its implementation. The game lacks replayability value, once you finish playing it for one full round, there isn't anything new for you to encounter.
Other than countless redesigns or entire new creations of each stage of your Spore journey. It may be fun for a few people, but for the majority audience , it doesn't hold it quite well.
People tend to get bored of such inane concepts. And very quickly, especially with the wide array of highly sophisticated action games hitting the markets in the recent times. Crysis warhead and Farcy 2 among them.

So due to wrong timing, poor implementation- possibly due to brainstorming conflicts within the developing team- a game that was supposed to be a landmark in gaming history went sour.

Do you, as a valued reader of this blog, have any opinions as to what happened to make Spore turn out the way it did? the praz blog values your opinion, so be our guest and leave a comment stating your thoughts!


Hello Internet!
Welcome to my blog!

Lets begin with a few of my favorite phrases, aye?

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players

I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips !

Men's evil manners live in brass; their virtues we write in water

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more...

There we go, my ode to Shakespeare being done, lets get down to blogging!