How to present answers

Having discussed about bettering your grades obtained in the previous posts, its time we looked upon a very important step in the process of any examination : Presenting your answers.

No matter how impressive your answers are, believe me, you'll never get the grades you deserve if your presentation is shabby.

For, the Examiner is also a person, he should also be able to read your answers quickly yet he should also be impressed by the presentation you have provided to the answers.
A Good Presentation makes a good first Impression for the Examiner to provide you with more grades.
The First Answer

A lot of attention should be directed by you towards providing the best possible presentation for the very first answer in the evaluation sheet.
It Should be Neat, without any overwriting, legible, to the point, and should be written with a language that's simple yet classy.

You should also be careful in Choosing which question you're attempting to answer first.

It is not possible to provide an excellent answer to a question you barely know the answer to, is it?

So make sure the question you pick is one that you have read thoroughly about.

Proceed to answer the question, make sure its presented in a tidy manner and that the important points are underlined. Its okay if you spend five minutes or a little more towards answering the first question, to maximize the impression it creates, then you can proceed answering the other questions.

By presenting the first question's answer neatly, you subconsciously instill some confidence within yourself to answer the subsequent questions more effectively. You also impress the Examiner a bit, coax him into thinking that the paper he's evaluating has a lot of effort put into it.

Page Margins.

The Answer sheet you are working on usually comes with the default margins, on the top and left corners.
It serves a good purpose if you take some effort in drawing an additional margin to the right and the bottom of the page.
This additional margin you draw adds some more succinctness to your paper, gives it an impression that it contains some information that is worth looking into.
It all comes down to the 'Placebo' effect, a way of coaxing the Examiner into thinking that the paper is that of an exemplary student.

Avoid Overwriting.

An oft committed mistake, this greatly reduces the value of your answers. An overwritten answer gives the impression of Insufficient preparation, Unsure-about-the-answers attitude, an overall detrimental effect on the Examiner to award more grades.
So, its vital that the answers provided are written in a continuous flow with as little overwriting to them as possible.

Underline the Keywords.

After having written the answers, quickly glance through them and underline the keywords and phrases you deem important with relevance to the answer.

Segregate Different Answers

Make sure you don't club all the answers together, leave a substantial amount of space between each and every other answer. Draw a simple line below each answer, to differentiate one answer from the other.

Underline the Headings

The Headings of each paragraph can do with a bit of underlining to them. It serves to accentuate the content of the following paragraph.

Remember, the answers do count a bit, but the impression you cast upon the examiner is also a vital part towards improving the grades obtained.

For, unless you cast the fishing pole into the water, you can't catch the fish right?

Without any effort, there cannot be an outcome.

Without a smart effort, there cannot be an appeasing outcome.

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