How to Cheat the Invigilator - An In Depth Real time Guide.

You're seated in the exam hall. The exam has begun. Time ticks on.
You, the intelligent person that you are, unfortunately forgot to read the topic of today's exam earlier. You are definitely not in any position to even attempt to answer the questions, for realization dawns on you that its entirely Greek and Latin to even make a guess at.

What should you do now? 

You have to pass the exam. No other way. If you flunk it, you WILL have to revisit that nightmare once again in the not so distant future, for this exam counts towards you gr

There's only one viable option for you.

And what is that?

I'll get around to it. In time.
Now, look around the exam hall. You see other people. Few are engrossed in writing answers. Few are rackling their brains for the answers, head in their hands. Few others are staring at the ceiling. A few are dozing off, resignedly accepting their failure in the exam.

But you don't fit in here do you? No. 

You see your friend just ahead of you. He's studied well for today's exam. He, apparently is doing a good job at writing furiously, obviously giving you the impression that he will get an A grade.

Eureka! Edison's lamp alights inside your brain, You have found a path, a light at the end of the tunnel, to escape out of the darkness you are presently in.
Yes, you are going to solicit the help of your friend, DURING the examination to get some answers out of him some way or the other and get around to eventually obtain a decent score in the exam, thereby leaving no trace of it behind in your academic career.

In all this euphoria about you having found out a recourse, there's one huge obstacle. Its Enormous. Every bit enormous as all of the letters in the word Encyclopaedia.
He is the Examination Invigilator. The one obstacle standing between you and revelation, Mmk, that is, passing the exam.

You have to find a way to circumvent this surreptious individual, in order that you, Undetectedly stealthy sneaky Cat that you are, are going to obtain answers from your friend.

How do you set about garnering answers from your friend?

Here's how I would do it.

This is part one of how you cheat the Invigilator

Wait for the moment the Invigilator lets his guard down a bit. He turns, bored, and looks at the blank board in the classroom. He's faced away from you.
Instantly, you hiss, HISS, at your friend. 
Startled, your friend, broken from his furious writing, turns back at you.  

Important Tip! :Make sure that you have one eye upon the invigilator at this crucial moment, for they have a unique knack of identifying normally unscrupulous Hisses and promptly catch the wrongdoers red handedly.

You signal the question for which you are seeking the answer, and you, using your left hand, signal the question. 

Step one done.

This being done, now the Invigilator returns back to his usual routine. He starts scanning the faces of the people in the hall, and tries to make eye contact. As much he tries to make this act look subtle, believe me, there's every bit of malicious intent in those eyes.
He's marking his prey.
Its of utmost importance that you keep your head firmly rooted in the pages of your answer booklet and even though you aren't writing anything, atleast give an Impression that you are TRYING to do SOMETHING.
Being lazy in the exam hall is a sure give away of your precarious position to your adversary, the Invigilator.

Your friend, in this time, is aware that you are in need of dire Intellectual assistance. He turns the pages of his answer booklet, and being seated just a few feet before you, you can see him resting his hands on the page which contains the answers you're looking for.

Now begins the period where you wait.

Have you seen the cheetah that waits for four or even eight hours in broad, roasting daylight in the african wilderness to spot out its prey?
That's who you're going to transform into, so you can get the answers you so direly seek.

Divide your visual and perceptive senses into two parts. Set one on getting the answer Just at the right moment your friend lifts the sheets and shows it to you. Set the other part of your senses on the invigilator himself. Start thinking empathetically when it comes to cheating him.

Right when the invigilator turns his head so that his line of sight doesn't include you, your friend, being the correct timer he is, lifts up the sheet and displays the answer.

This moment has a lot of factors in play. You have three objectives. You need to KNOW what the answers are, you need to jot it down real fast, in span of five seconds, and you need to arouse Zero suspicion in the Invigilator's eyes.
For, getting caught means severe penalties, penalties that far outweigh even the worst possible outcomes that you are trying to avert.

Here's what you do.
Scan the sheet. Look For formulae. Look  for diagrams, and parts in those diagrams. Look for paragraph headings. Do not, I repeat, do not attempt to copy the answer of your friend word by agonizing word, its simply not feasible. You'll end up getting caught , or you'll end up wasting both you and your friend's invaluable time.
Remember, you need to do this, all in the extremely short span when the Invigilator lets down his guard.

Another very important factor is deciding the question that you're going to seek assistance for. The question should be one that has the least amount of descriptive answering required, for, the lengthier the answer is, the harder it is for you to reciprocate on your answer booklet.

So, Make your decision aptly, and keep the factors I outlined in mind, and lets hope it serves us for a better outcome!

Also, I have a long list of different ways to Cheat the Invigilator, and more updates on this context coming soon! Bookmark this page, or subscribe to the RSS feed, so you don't miss it!

If you have any memorable experiences in this context, or would like to share them, You're Most welcome.
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