This post will cover a few of the areas that might help you maximize your scoring potential and to get better grades.
First of all, whatever grades that you have obtained, consider it as a benchmark. You need to set a goal for yourself. The goal being : Bettering your previous grades. How do you set about achieving it?
I'd like to quote a saying here :
"You have to run faster Just to stay in the same place."
Now, I can hear a lot of groans coming up cause I said that. Don't let the fact that you need to put in more effort bring you down. It's just that, there are so many others co-existing along with you in your class, your neighborhood and the entire world. The world keeps changing every single second. Population increases, methods of earning money increases, way of living changes second by second.
Being a part of an ever chaning environment, how will you fare if you remain the same person you always were?
I'm not telling that you should work upon your personality and change it. Each one has an unique personality. Every personality is equally special, intriguing and liked upon. But, what counts is, how you apply your thoughts to suitably chameleonize yourself to blend with the changing trends and make your personality stand out.
You can ask me,"Ha, how does one's personality, character, social well being reflect upon one's grades?"
Believe me or not, it's true. Its often extremely trivial things that produce changes of mammoth magnitude. Little did scientists predict that the splitting of an atom- a particle that is unobservable unless you have an electron microscope- could cause such mass destruction. Small things, when left unnoticed, will spiral into bigger things that can produce massive detrimentive effects.
The first step you should do in order to achieve better grades, is to Analyze yourself.
You do know that you're capable of much more, You know that you can do better, and your teachers and professors know that too. So, what really is stopping you from achieveing what you really deserve?
The primary thing that prevents most people from realizing their true potential is Procrastrination.
By postponing things, concepts to be memorzied, understood, you're just imposing more workoad on yourself. And at the final moment, when the time of submission of your answer sheet comes, the workload becomes huge, and you tend to lose out on the finer points, thereby costing you some grades.
The difference between an A+ grade and an A grade is not tiny. Its enormous. Do you know that?
Why is there so much difference? Its because, getting an A means that you have memorized the concepts thoroughly well, you are capable of reproducing them Verbatim, also, you have written them in a coherent manner appeasing the Examiner.
Wheres, an A+ implies that, you, not only having memorized,
having done the assignments perfectly, having given impressive seminars, have also gone one step further.
You have found a way to apply the concept In your life, that is, you have realized in what way the subject at hand is going to aid you or any other human in the real world.
Concepts on paper might seem totally out of context when we try to relate them to our daily lives. So why are they included in the syllabus?
Education is a compilation of Humanity's work over the ages, and its provided to contemporary Humans in order that they can get a better insight into how the world around them really works, right down to the grassroots.
This is what ultimately all those grades, those GPA's, those marks, all boil down to. Not mindless mugging up of mundane concepts. Its an evaluation of how much You, as an individual, has benefited from it.
In the beginning of this article, I talked about running faster in the same place to retain your current standing.
So, If you want to achieve a higher objective, you should think about this too:
"If you want to go somewhere else, you have to run atleast twice as fast as that!"
Self analyze yourself. Think. Think where you are going wrong. Look at people who are obtaining better results. Ask them, discuss with them. Mulling over spilt milk never serves a purpose, but learning how Not to spill the milk again serves one!
Having talked about those who get an A grade and an A+ grade, its easy to assume that there is no redemption for those who are scoring lower grades. Definitely not. Do you know how many people out there are underachievers throughout their lives because they failed to stop and realize what their mistakes were, and kept on mulling over the mistakes they committed?
If you're getting low grades, its just an indicator that, either you haven't had a good understanding of the subject, or, you have other distractions that keep you from giving in the necessary hours to achieve the result.
Maybe you've always had an aversion to the subject. You don't like it in some cases. In some cases, you might deem the subject as "being unworthy to waste time and effort upon."
In that case, if that subject doesn't really matter in your academic performance, feel free to forget it!
But if, that subject also counts towards the end aggregate, then there's no alternative other than to master it.
You need to find a way to turn your dislike into your like so you would ultimately stand to gain from something you hate so vehemently!
Approach the concepts with a clear mind. Allay all your doubts and set aside any psychological blocks you might have that prevent you from learning the subject.
If you're having any difficulties understanding a particular concept, feel free to ask your peers or the professors/teachers for guidance. They're always ready to help!
Its just you who have to take the impetus to actually study.
Remember, the choice is upto you. You can either choose to work harder, put in more hours, and achieve the result you so desire.
Do you also know that, once you achieve your aim, you will automatically find a better, more satisfying one?
Its true!
In the next article, I will provide more hindsight for the B ,C and D graders to improve their grades, and I'll show the magic tricks that will get them an A+!
Please feel free to drop a comment on whether you liked the article, or if you have any similar experiences or suggestions. I'll be very glad to read it!
Remember, sharing is caring ;)
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