Meds, who blogs at Gears of Rock says:
As long as you can write clearly, then I feel there is no need for an extensive elitist Shakespearean vocabulary.
He also says by using excessively difficult words, one shouldn't end up sounding incoherent.
You shouldn't be a jerk about knowing special words. It only impresses the weak so stop taking advantage of them.
Jenn thorson, who blogs at Thriftshopromantic says a good vocabulary is Absolutely needed, and it helps in impressing the readers and makes them come back for more.
As bloggers, having a good vocabulary is one terrific way of making our posts compelling-- of giving each sentence variety, flow and saying just the thing that we want to say.
It allows our work to have a flow that SOUNDS right, that crackles with interest (and otomotapoeia!) and makes people want to come back.
Zentastic, the advocate of Geek Confidence went forward to write an in depth comment on the real need for vocabulary and its advantages as well as shortcomings.
I think of vocabulary as a toolset - the right word for the right time. Obviously, the more tools you have, the better, but using the wrong tool in a situation just makes things worse.
I value people who can get the point succinctly. If I were working in a fast-paced environment, the last thing I'd want is to have to read an essay any time someone sends me a memo.
People who have a limited command of vocabulary often resort to throwing around as many big words as they can in order to impress. The problem is, people who actually know how to use vocabulary elegantly can see right through that.
Me-me King from MadMadMargo Unequivocally supports the need for a Good Vocabulary.
Shiley Gnu, from Proof Positivity has lots of personal experiences with her husband when it comes to excessive use of difficult words. She says sometimes she ends up intimidating her husband and makes him think She's actually swearing at him whereas shes really cuddling him with soft yet rarely used words.
My husband thinks I'm cursing at him half of the time because of my vocabulary.
I keep doing the free rice thing that does the vocabulary (I'm addicted). My husband doesn't want me messing with it. I say "It's for a good cause." He huffs off and says "It figures!" He won't admit it he's just as bad I fall asleep reading text books and he loves them. I must love slaughtering language.
Arnous and Steve both concur that :
Good Vocab is when you can use words to say less and mean more.
Arnous blogs at The Arnous Blog and Steve is from Zobop Republic
Karin, a ski expert from Sweden who blogs as the Silly Swedish Skier is of the view that a Good Vocabulary is needed, but only in a moderate amount, more like a casual necessity.
Hatingtherain from the Rain Hate blog also accepts the view that vocabulary is only a tool of necessity.
Jeremy Long from Good Internet Marketing dismisses the need for a good vocabulary. He says the ability to express thoughts clearly will do.
not necessary...
Just be able to express your thoughts, feelings, etc , clearly.
Maddie from Irrelevant Twaddle says a good vocabulary contributes to the overall personality of an individual.
I think having a good vocabulary is vital as it enriches your understanding of information in general and creates a good impression to those that see your good use of vocabulary, beneifical in emplyoment, education, et al.
Sofia from Filosofia, a philosophical blog, says that a good vocabulary is an Indicator of the overall monetary success of a person.
The Conviction is that people with larger vocabularies tended in general to have larger incomes.
Various people of different ages, different walks of life all concur that a good vocabulary is indeed a valuable tool. But, they also imply the fact that it is not a mandatory necessity. The lack of a good vocabulary doesn't limit an individual, it is just an enhancing attribute in any language.
A Good Vocabulary is in the end, a valuable tool, that should be used wisely as to the benefit of effective, simple communication.
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