Think Differently

How much of a real questioner of beliefs are you? Are you the one in a million person, who dared to think differently, and managed to make a difference? OrAre you just another raindrop from the sky, finding its place among so many other raindrops in the rain?

A Nobody or Somebody?

Who Are you?

You might want to answer this question in so many different ways. You will begin to reason that you were, still are, a different and unique person than everyone else. Or you will simply own up and accept that you're like anyone else, didn't dare to think differently, and just went along with the ebb and flow of life and came to where you are today.

Ever wondered if something in your life had happened in a different way, and your life took a massive turn? Wonder what would've happened if you had dared to come up with something controversial to the normal unfurling of events in your life. Maybe there would've been a sea of difference. Maybe there might not.

But the bottom line is, after you've spent all your life's energy, you might find yourself sitting at some reclining arm chair and wondering, "What was my life all about?"

Now, if you were a successful businessman or an entrepreneur, you might have the satisfaction of answering that question all by yourself, "Yes, I was a hard working innovator!"

If you were just an employer for someone else, the someone being a reputed organization or any individual for that sake, you might find yourself having a not so satisfactory answer for the question you asked yourself.

What's the deciding factor, that demarcates a 'normal' life, and an 'extra ordinary' one?

Its the willingness to question things.

Throughout our lives, we've been trained to accept things for what they are. Always trained to do stuff how its meant to be done. Right through schooling, right down to working at some company. We never are allowed the chance to THINK, in the sense, to actively question WHY something happens and why it should happen.

Rarely one in a bunch of ten people questions why life has become so mechanical in contemporary times. Why? Because society has grown so vast that the room for a single human being to stand out as somebody apart from the normal mold, is getting smaller and smaller!

Successful people got where they are today not simply by hard work or luck. They did Hard AND smart work. Work hard, work differently. By differently, I mean a whole lot of things.

The basic foundation for all this uniqueness comes with the ability to ask questions.

If Newton had sat there, took the apple and just ate it, we never would have known about what made the apple fall, any day.

What did he do, that set him apart? He Questioned WHY.

Remember, nobody is more intelligent than anybody else. Intelligence, as far as humans are considered is mere APPLICATION of whatever you KNOW.

Intelligent people, simply apply what they know and tend to find a solution for
problems much faster than so called un-intelligent people.

Intelligence is merely a gauging factor for one's level of understanding of how human society operates at the scientific and theoretical level.

Take for example, something happens in your everyday life, that is totally abnormal from your daily routine. Do you stop to question WHY it traversed, instead of just simply getting on with it?

By merely asking the question WHY, you accomplish a whole lot of things.

It begins with you searching for an answer to your question. While searching for that answer, be it an emotional answer, a practical answer, whatever it might be, you encounter a whole lot of new situations to grapple with.

Now each and every unique experience in your life is a chance for you to LEARN something NEW.

If you keep learning new things each day for all of the remaining years in your life from this moment, will you not gain something, Something that might of be any use to you sometime in your life? Isn't it better than just being yet another victim of life, going along with the flow and drowning when your share gets filled?

So, Question. Seek the answer to whatever question that arises to your mind. Let your thoughts go on a free trail. Think about the things that happened in your life, question why they happened, and from the answers, derive the experience to equip yourselves to face your future with a better version of You. Question the stuff around you, you'll begin to notice so much difference from the banalities of every day life, and why you've been wasting the chance you've been offered all along to make a difference in this world, however be the magnitude of it.

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